2021 Research Grant

The Maine Brain Aneurysm Awareness Committee was pleased to award the 9th annual “KAT-Walk & Karo-5K Research Grant for 2021” to Dr. Robert Ecker and Dr. David Seder of the Maine Medical Center Neuroscience Institute at the Brain Aneurysm Awareness event on September 18, 2021 in Portland, Maine.

With this $5,000 Grant, Dr’s Ecker and Seder will continue to track and analyze information from all MMC patients that have suffered a Brain Aneurysm rupture or hemorrhagic stroke. Their staff will be following up with patients’ months and years after treatment, in order to track patterns around treatment success and what it truly means to “return to normal”.

Thank you to everyone who donates and supports our efforts to increase Brain Aneurysm Awareness and Research. We look forward to continuing to help provide funds for critical Brain Aneurysm research that is being done in Maine and northern New England.

Site Map  |  Maine Brain Aneurysm Awareness — 799 Wings Mills Road, Mt. Vernon, Maine